2019: The birth
of the project

The artistic and cultural project of Street Art Parc was born from the desire of Didier and Monique Pignet, owners of the Château de Candes and collectors of contemporary art, to highlight the château park. The adventure begins in May 2019 with the first residency of 23 artists.

For Monique Pignet: “inviting graffiti artists, fresco artists and artists working in urban art corresponds to the iconoclastic spirit that we wish to give to the project. We really like the idea of de-gentrifying the image of the castle and the lord. »

2022: The next generation

3 years later, the park took on a new dynamic with the arrival of their son Bertrand and his wife Jingwen. They bring their passion for events and live entertainment and present their fiery duo “In fusion” during cabaret nights with a premiere on May 14, 2022. This meeting quickly becomes an institution and confirms the desire to give to the park a new impetus by regularly inviting dancers, jugglers, clowns and musicians to share with the public all aspects of Street art: Urban Arts and Street Arts.

In May 2023, the “Arts 2 Rues” festival is born, a day event bringing together 20 artists after a 8-day residency at the Château de Candes.

Today the future of this park is in the hands of this young couple who do not want to stop there. Bertrand: “We are going to make this park a place of residence for artists from all backgrounds, a place of expression with adapted facilities so that residents can work on their projects, fully express themselves and share their talents with visitors.”
An artists’ workshop, a training space in the heart of the park and dedicated accommodation will be added from spring 2024.

A place at the heart of artistic innovation

The Loire Valley is the cradle of innovation, a welcoming land but above all an extraordinary incubator for contemporary artists.

This daring and new reading of heritage finds an echo in the Val de Loire destination which concentrates a high density of artistic proposals around Montsoreau and Candes-Saint-Martin.

Located near the Contemporary Art Museum of Montsoreau which has the world’s largest collection of works by the conceptual collective Art & Language and l’Abbaye de Fontevraud which opened a modern art museum housing the Cligman collection in 2020; The Street Art Parc – Château de Môh is part of a cultural journey where art and heritage come together.

A place, a story

Located in the Loire Valley and forming part of the region’s castles, Unesco World Heritage, in the village of Candes-Saint-Martin, one of the most beautiful villages in France and in the Loire Regional Natural Park- Anjou-Touraine, the Château de Candes has many assets.

Its park, covering an area of ​​4.5 hectares, is spread out in terraces that extend from the banks of the Loire to the Château. Planted with many species, it overlooks the confluence of the Loire and the Vienne. It is embellished with a mysterious buried arena whose origin no one has yet been able to explain.

The extraordinary finery of the Château de Candes seduced the enthusiastic and passionate Pignet couple who spent seven years renovating it stone by stone while bringing a very contemporary perspective on the renovations. Once these were completed, the question of opening the park to the public and sharing this fantastic site in a cultural form arose.

The mission of the place

This is a private and associative project but also a regional project whose mission is to raise awareness of contemporary art among the general public. Through a journey through the alleys, visitors will be able to discover the different techniques of urban art and street art. An approach which aims to question the relationship with nature, to reveal all the imagination that the landscape contains. It is also about encouraging emerging artists by creating new places of artistic expression and meeting audiences.

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